August 28, 2023
0 min read

What Is Conversational Commerce: A Complete Guide

Explore conversational commerce: the fusion of chat, shopping, & technology. Dive into its types, benefits, and ways to optimize for business success.

What Is Conversational Commerce: A Complete Guide

The landscape of online shopping has undergone a significant transformation. Gone are the days of static web pages and cumbersome checkout processes. Enter Conversational Commerce, a paradigm shift that is elevating the e-commerce experience. Through intuitive chatbots and voice assistants, shoppers are now finding answers, receiving personalized recommendations, and completing purchases with unprecedented ease. This progression is more than just a trend—it signifies the future direction of digital retail. Join us as we delve into the nuances of Conversational Commerce and its transformative impact on the online marketplace.

What Is Conversational Commerce?

Conversational commerce is fundamentally the fusion of online shopping with conversational interfaces. At its core, it's about engaging customers and facilitating commerce through real-time conversations, either via text or voice. This evolution has been predominantly driven by the rise and adoption of messaging apps like WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, and WeChat, as well as voice-activated assistants such as Amazon's Alexa, Google Assistant, and Apple's Siri.

A key feature of conversational commerce is its ability to offer tailored interactions. Businesses, through this approach, can cater to customers' specific needs by answering product queries, suggesting personalized products based on individual preferences, guiding them smoothly through the checkout process, or even addressing post-purchase inquiries and collecting feedback. This personalized touch not only augments the user's shopping experience but also fosters a deeper connection between the consumer and the brand.

The underlying force propelling the efficiency of conversational commerce is predominantly Artificial Intelligence (AI). With AI, these conversational tools can process vast amounts of information, understand context, and deliver timely and relevant responses to customers. This AI-driven approach means businesses can be more responsive than ever before, offering near-instantaneous replies at any time of day.

The transformation brought about by conversational commerce doesn't just benefit consumers in terms of a more interactive shopping experience; it also offers businesses a more efficient and dynamic way to engage with their audience. In a digital era where personalization and immediacy are paramount, conversational commerce emerges as a trailblazer, redefining the paradigms of e-commerce and setting new standards for customer engagement.

The Shift To Personalized 1:1 Conversational Chatbots

The realm of e-commerce and online customer service has experienced a paradigm shift with the emergence of personalized 1:1 conversational chatbots. These digital assistants have moved beyond the one-size-fits-all, script-driven models of the past and have ushered in an era of nuanced, individualized interactions.

In earlier days, chatbots were primarily rule-based. They relied on a fixed set of responses, which often made them seem robotic and impersonal. Customers could easily distinguish between a human responder and a bot, and more often than not, these interactions felt sterile and devoid of the warmth and understanding that human interactions provide.

However, with advancements in AI and machine learning, chatbots have evolved to understand context, sentiment, and nuances in human language. This means they can now engage users in ways that feel more human-like and personalized. For example, a chatbot for an online apparel store might remember a customer's past purchases and preferences, and proactively suggest items in their preferred style or size during a subsequent visit. This level of personalization enhances the user experience, making shopping more intuitive and tailored to individual tastes.

Another key feature of these modern chatbots is their ability to learn and adapt. As they interact with users, they gather data, learn from feedback, and refine their responses. This continuous learning ensures that the chatbot becomes increasingly adept at handling a variety of queries and situations, making each interaction more effective and satisfying for the user.

From a business perspective, the shift to personalized 1:1 conversational chatbots represents a golden opportunity. Not only do these bots streamline operations by handling a large volume of queries, but they also enhance customer engagement and loyalty. A customer who feels understood and valued is more likely to return and advocate for the brand.

The Benefits of Using People Instead of AI for Conversational Commerce

The return to human touchpoints in the form of 'people concierges' offers a unique edge in the e-commerce landscape. Leveraging the expertise and personal touch of human agents provides an unparalleled shopping experience, and here's why:

The primary advantage of people concierges over digital assistants is the depth of understanding and empathy they bring to interactions. While AI and chatbots can provide answers based on algorithms and data, human concierges can grasp nuances, interpret emotions, and offer a level of personalization that's truly bespoke. Their expertise about products isn't just data-driven; it often encompasses personal experience, feedback from various customers, and a deeper understanding of how a product fits into broader lifestyle or industry trends.

It's also worth considering that the real-time back-and-forth between a customer and a human concierge can clarify doubts more effectively. For instance, while a chatbot might provide standard specifications of a product, a human concierge can delve into specifics, share anecdotal experiences, and even offer alternative suggestions based on the unique needs and concerns of the customer. This interactive dialogue ensures that customers feel heard and understood, fostering trust and confidence in their buying decisions.

From the business perspective, integrating people concierges into the buying process can also offer invaluable insights. These individuals, through their interactions, gather qualitative data about customer preferences, pain points, and emerging trends, which might not be easily discernible through automated analytics. This feedback can be a goldmine for businesses looking to refine their product offerings or enhance their service quality.

Use Remark to Start 1:1 Conversations With Experts

However, it's essential to note that integrating people concierges does come with its own set of challenges. It requires investment in training and maintaining a skilled team that's up-to-date with product knowledge and adept at handling customer interactions. This is where "Remark" comes into play, bridging the gap between the physical in-store experience and the digital world. Remark understands that there's an irreplaceable value in human interaction, especially when making purchase decisions. By offering a platform that seamlessly integrates people concierges into the online shopping journey, Remark replicates the warmth, guidance, and personalized attention you receive in a brick-and-mortar store, but with the convenience of online shopping. Whether it's real-time advice, product recommendations, or just a friendly chat about the latest trends, Remark ensures that customers never feel alone during their digital shopping journey.

In essence, while technology continues to evolve and offer myriad solutions, the timeless appeal of genuine human interactions remains potent. With platforms like "Remark," businesses have the tools to bring the authentic, human-centric in-store experience directly to the digital consumer, setting new standards in e-commerce. Let's talk a bit more about conversational commerce:

Brief History of Conversational Commerce

The term "conversational commerce" was coined by Chris Messina in 2015. Messina is an American blogger and the inventor of the hashtag. He saw the potential for businesses to use messaging apps to engage with customers in a more personal and conversational way.

The rise of conversational commerce has been driven by several factors, including:

  • The increasing popularity of mobile messaging apps: In 2022, there were over 4.6 billion mobile messaging app users worldwide. This makes messaging apps an ideal channel for businesses to reach their customers.
  • The growing adoption of artificial intelligence (AI): AI is making it possible to create chatbots that are more natural and engaging than ever before. Chatbots can now understand complex queries, hold conversations, and even make recommendations.
  • The demand for convenience: Consumers are increasingly looking for ways to shop more conveniently. Conversational commerce can help businesses to meet this demand by making it possible for customers to shop and make purchases without having to leave their messaging app.

Some of the early adopters of conversational commerce include Amazon, Walmart, and Sephora. These businesses have used chatbots to answer customer questions, provide product recommendations, and even process orders.

Conversational commerce is still a relatively new trend, but it is growing rapidly. According to Bloomberg, conversational commerce is expected to account for 21.8% of all retail sales by 2024.

Different Types of Conversational Commerce

Let's delve deeper into these specific facets of conversational commerce:

Text Message Marketing

In the age of smartphones, text message marketing, often referred to as SMS marketing, has proven to be an effective way of reaching customers directly. Here's why:

  • Direct Engagement: Text messages have a staggering open rate, with most texts being read within just a few minutes of receiving. This immediacy makes it a potent tool for flash sales, reminders, or time-sensitive offers.
  • Personalization: With the ability to segment audiences based on purchase history, location, or preferences, businesses can tailor their messages to specific groups or even individual customers, ensuring relevance.
  • Integration with Other Platforms: Many businesses integrate SMS marketing with their e-commerce platforms. For instance, sending a text alert when an item is back in stock or when there's a cart abandonment can drive sales.

Social Messaging Apps

Apps like WhatsApp, Facebook/IG Messenger, and more have transformed from mere communication tools to comprehensive platforms for commerce.

  • Brand Presence: With billions of active users, these platforms allow brands to maintain an active presence where their customers are already spending significant time.
  • Instant Customer Service: Queries, complaints, or feedback can be addressed in real-time, enhancing customer satisfaction.
  • Transactional Abilities: Some of these platforms now allow for direct purchases, order tracking, and payment processing, streamlining the entire buying process within the app.

Voice Commerce

Voice-activated devices and assistants like Amazon's Alexa, Google Assistant, and Apple's Siri are pioneering voice commerce.

  • Hands-free Shopping: Especially for routine or repurchase items, voice commands can simplify the buying process.
  • Integrative Experience: These devices often integrate with other smart home systems, enabling scenarios like a fridge suggesting recipes based on its contents or ordering items when they run low.
  • Growing Adoption: As more households adopt smart speakers and voice-activated devices, the potential audience for voice commerce keeps growing.


Embedded on websites, social media platforms, or integrated into messaging apps, chatbots are AI-driven tools designed to simulate human-like interactions.

  • 24/7 Availability: Chatbots ensure that basic customer queries are addressed at all times, complementing the services offered by human-powered customer assistants. This ensures that there's always a response, whether automated or human.
  • Seamless Handoffs: Many sophisticated chat systems today can seamlessly hand off a conversation from a chatbot to a human representative when a query becomes complex or requires that personal touch. This ensures customers always get the best help available.
  • Collaborative Efficiency: By handling routine inquiries, chatbots can free up human customer assistants to focus on more nuanced or complicated issues. This division of tasks ensures optimal efficiency without compromising the quality of service.
  • Learning and Adapting: Modern chatbots can refine their responses based on past interactions, becoming more effective over time. In turn, this continuous learning helps human representatives by providing them with insights and data on frequent customer inquiries.

When chatbots and human-powered customer assistants work in tandem, businesses can offer a balanced and efficient customer service experience. This synergy ensures that while technology can handle scale and routine, the irreplaceable human touch remains at the heart of customer interactions.ed shopping experiences, setting themselves apart in a competitive digital landscape.

Tips for Implementing a Conversational Commerce Solution

Embarking on the journey of conversational commerce can feel daunting given the vast array of tools and platforms available. However, with a strategic approach, businesses can seamlessly integrate conversational methods into their e-commerce strategy. Here's how to get started:

Understand Your Audience

At its core, conversational commerce is about enhancing customer interactions. So, start by getting to know your audience better. Determine their preferred communication channels, their typical queries, and their buying behaviors. This will allow you to tailor your conversational tools to offer the most relevant and timely assistance.

Blend Automation with Human Touch

While chatbots and automated systems can handle a vast majority of customer interactions efficiently, there's nothing quite like the human touch for complex queries or when empathy is needed. Ensure your system can seamlessly transition from bot to human when required, providing customers with a smooth and satisfying experience.

Prioritize Personalization

With the data you gather from interactions, you can provide personalized shopping suggestions, responses, and offers. For example, if a customer frequently inquires about organic products, your chatbot can highlight organic promotions the next time they visit.

Stay Proactive with Updates

The digital landscape, especially in the realm of conversational commerce, is constantly evolving. Regularly update your chatbot's knowledge base and algorithms. Moreover, keep an ear to the ground for technological advancements or shifts in consumer preferences to stay ahead of the curve.

Measure and Refine Continuously

Implement tracking mechanisms to measure the effectiveness of your conversational commerce tools. This can include metrics like customer satisfaction scores, average response times, and conversion rates. Use these insights to identify areas for improvement and refine your approach accordingly.

In essence, a successful conversational commerce strategy is one that is customer-centric, agile, and continuously evolving. By focusing on these key tips, businesses can create meaningful and efficient interactions that boost satisfaction and sales.

To Improve Conversational Commerce Use Remark For The Human Touch

While automation has brought about unprecedented efficiency, the essence of true conversation often gets diluted. Remark is the tool that helps businesses strike this balance in conversational commerce. It seamlessly integrates human insight into the automated chat journey, ensuring customers never feel lost in the vastness of digital interfaces.

Rather than replacing automation, Remark complements it. When a customer's questions become complex or they seek a deeper understanding, Remark effortlessly transitions the conversation to a knowledgeable human assistant. This blend of technology with human touch ensures that every customer interaction is both efficient and genuinely personal, elevating the overall shopping experience.

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